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 1. The Captain  Ohio Early Voting And GOP Intimidation  From The Quarterdeck 
 2. Charles Michael Ray  Early Voting, But Not on the Rez   
 3. Charles Michael Ray  Early Voting, But Not on the Rez   
 4. Darrell Shandrow and Steve Holmes  Early Voting: Accessibility Experiences of 3 Blind Americans   
 5. Antonia Gonzales  Early Voting in Zuni - Diversity Beat Election Report   
 6. Keiichi Suzuki, Hirokazu Tanaka, Hiroshi Kanazu, Toshiyuki Ueno  Giygas' Intimidation  MOTHER 2 
 7. Atomic Dilemma  Intimidation Game   
 8. Dan Fogelberg & Tim Weisberg  InTIMidation-FogelbergWeisb  Twin Sons Of Different Mothers 
 9. Paul Jacob  Voter Intimidation You Can Believe In  Common Sense, December 1 - 12, 2008 
 10. Chuck Joiner  MacNotables #735 5/31/07 The MacNotables' Analysis of Microsoft's Open Source Intimidation  MacNotables - The Mac Experts You Want To Hear From 
 11. Capitol Steps  Voting 4 to 5  www.capsteps.com 
 12. One Minute Tip  Voting for OMT - Podcastalley.com  http://www.oneminutetip.com 
 13. One Minute Tip  Voting for OMT - Podcastalley.com  http://www.oneminutetip.com 
 14. Dennis Pilon  Voting reform   
 15. The Compassionate Conservatives  Black Box Voting  n/a 
 16. Doc Wesson doc.wesson@gmail.com  Episode 10 - Know who you are voting for!!  The Shot Show http://theshotshow.us.tf 
 17. Good Dirt Radio  Voting with your Dollars   
 18. Talking History  Voting in America  MP3s 
 19. David Hammond  Early, Early All In The Spring  I Am The Wee Falorie Man 
 20. Darrell Shandrow and Steve Bauer  Accessible Voting Demonstration   
 21. Sean Gabb  Why do people often not bother voting?  The World Tonight 
 22. Ron Rivest  Security of Voting Systems  USENIX NSDI 2007 
 23. USINFO Interactive  ia esp 12 14 2007 civ4 voting  Civic Education - Voting 
 24. Todd Wilken  2 Dr. Uwe Siemon-Netto on Christians and Voting  Issues, Etc. 
 25. David Wagner  The State of Electronic Voting, 2008  22nd Large Installation System Administration Conference 
 26. Radio E  Poland veto on EU voting-refor  Network Europe 
 27. marchon (george lambert)  Voting and Morning Voter Turnout  Marchons Corner 
 28. Bev Harris of Black Box Voting  Problems with e-voting July 13, 2004  1st. Unitarian Church Austin, TX 
 29. Bev Harris of Black Box Voting  Problems with e-voting July 13, 2004  1st. Unitarian Church Austin, TX 
 30. Michael Cole & James Jones  Episode 42: Four Bits of Voting Power  Radio Trivia: Podcast Edition / NintendoWorldReport.com 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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